GATE [ Graphic Access Tabular Entry ]

An Interception-resistant Authentication And Encryption System And Method
Last Updated : [ 2025-02-11 12:02 ]            Server : Apache Tomcat/9.0.30            Session Timeout : 1 minute           User Count : 1

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Welcome To GATE Online Demo

Do you worry about cyber criminals attacking your personal or organizational assets online ?
New cybersecurity authentication and intervention system will increase password strength exponentially.
Award-winning, innovative cyber technology GATE stops hackers in their tracks. It can defeat wiretapping, keylogging, peeking, phishing and dictionary attack.
Have you been told that your passwords are too weak ? Or been asked to length your passwords and use special characters to the point that you can't even remember ?
Weak passwords make systems vulnerable, yet strong passwords make you forget. Is there a way to keep the passwords simple and yet still make the system secure ?!
Yes, there is ! Twenty-first century technology is finally sophisticated enough to fix the weaknesses of traditional passwords without the restrictions above.
For detailed info about the advantages of the GATE system, you can check out GATE Info.
Here you can learn the GATE system by the following steps :
[1] Learn the rules of the GATE system by looking at How GATE Works
[2] Create User_Id And Pin
[3] Login from a 2 x 5, 3 x 3 or a 4 x 4 table
The GATE system is like a word puzzle game, it's easy and fun to use, yet much more secure than traditional passwords. Try it and find out for yourself !
Cybersecurity affects us all, let's make it stronger, and you can help by sharing this site.

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Home GATE Info How GATE Works Create User_Id And Pin Login  [  2 x 5  |  3 x 3  |  4 x 4  ]