GATE [ Graphic Access Tabular Entry ] |
An Interception-resistant Authentication And Encryption System And Method |
Last Updated : [ 2025-02-11 12:02 ] Server : Apache Tomcat/9.0.30 Session Timeout : 1 minute User Count : 1 |
Home | GATE Info | How GATE Works | Create User_Id And Pin | Login [ 2 x 5 | 3 x 3 | 4 x 4 ] |
Do you worry about cyber criminals attacking your personal or organizational assets online ? |
New cybersecurity authentication and intervention system will increase password strength exponentially. |
Award-winning, innovative cyber technology GATE stops hackers in their tracks. It can defeat wiretapping, keylogging, peeking, phishing and dictionary attack. |
Have you been told that your passwords are too weak ? Or been asked to length your passwords and use special characters to the point that you can't even remember ? Weak passwords make systems vulnerable, yet strong passwords make you forget. Is there a way to keep the passwords simple and yet still make the system secure ?! |
Yes, there is ! Twenty-first century technology is finally sophisticated enough to fix the weaknesses of traditional passwords without the restrictions above. |
For detailed info about the advantages of the GATE system, you can check out GATE Info. |
Here you can learn the GATE system by the following steps : |
[1] Learn the rules of the GATE system by looking at How GATE Works |
[2] Create User_Id And Pin |
[3] Login from a 2 x 5, 3 x 3 or a 4 x 4 table |
The GATE system is like a word puzzle game, it's easy and fun to use, yet much more secure than traditional passwords. Try it and find out for yourself ! |
Cybersecurity affects us all, let's make it stronger, and you can help by sharing this site. |
Home | GATE Info | How GATE Works | Create User_Id And Pin | Login [ 2 x 5 | 3 x 3 | 4 x 4 ] |